The International Award for Young People (IAYP), formerly known as The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, is the most adaptable and successful youth empowerment program.The programme has an established capacity for identifying hard issues and challenges associated with youth. Our framework is used by schools, youth organisations, community groups, correctional services, employers and government departments across the globe. Around the world, more than 140 countries use this model for positive youth empowerment. We draw together and connect people, institutions and generations with the common purpose of youth development and inclusion. IAYP is the Programme of choice for over 11 million people in the world today. LIS is the First authorized YES centre (Youth Engaging Society) of the IAYP programme in Jodhpur. Students undertake activities that encourage personal growth through skill development, physical recreation, perseverance and service to the society. One can aspire for Bronze, Silver and Gold awards.